Thursday, September 3, 2015

5 Types of Angles

Name the 5 different types of Angles and give information about each one.


  1. obtuse which is the wider out ones and greater than 90. Acute angle which is less than 90. Right angle which is exactly 90 degrees. Straight angle which is exactly 180 degrees. reflex which is greater than 180 degrees.

  2. Acute angles are small and are less than 90 degrees, obtuse angles which are larger than 90 degrees. A straight angle is like a line but has 3 points in it. A right angle is an angle that is exactly 90 degrees. And a reflex angle that is greater then 180 degrees but is less than 360.

  3. 1. acute - is an angle that less than 90%
    2 .obtuse -is an angle that is at 90% but less than 180 %
    3.right angle -is an angle that is at 90%
    4.straight angle -is exactly 180%
    5.reflex angle - an angle that is grater than 180%

  4. 1. Acute, right, obtuse, straight, reflex, and full rotation.
    2. Acute-Less than 90 degrees, Right- 90 degrees, obtuse-more than 90 but less than 180 degrees, straight- 180 degrees, reflex- more than 180 degrees, and full roation- whole round.

  5. First angle is the Obtuse angles, which are measured more than ninety degrees. Second angle is the Acute angle, Measured less than 90 degrees.
    Right angles are exactly 90 degrees.
    strait angles are measured 180 degrees.
    Reflex angles are measured more than, in other words a full angle.
    Full angles are measured 360 degrees which is fully measured.

  6. Acute angles are kess than 90*. Obtuse angle are larger than 90*. Straight angle are a line but the 3 points in it. A right angle are 90*, Reflex angle is great then 180* but less than 360*

  7. 1. there are obtuse angles They are wider angles that
    2. there are angles that are 90 degrees meaning that they are a perfect right angle
    3. acute angles, there usually smaller and are less then 90 degrees
    complainer angles which lie on the same line
    5. angle bisector it splits threw the middle splitting each side directly apart so there both equall

  8. there is a right angles witch only measures to 90 degrees
    there is obtuse angle which measures more than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees
    there is a acute angle which is smaller than 90 degrees
    a straight which goes to 180 degrees
    reflex angle which measures more than 180 degrees but less than 360

  9. Obtuse angles are larger than 90 degrees. Acute angles are smaller than 90 degrees. Right angles are exactly 90 degrees. A straight line is 180 degrees exactly. A reflex angle is greater then 180 degrees but is less than 360.
