Monday, August 24, 2015


Tell me EVERYTHING you know about angles. (DO NOT LOOK ANYTHING UP!)


  1. I know there are degrees to an angle, and I know there are obtuse angles, acute angles, and right angles. I know angles can be made from multiple lines.

  2. Everything I know about Angles is that each angle has a different measurement/degree. Their are different names for each angle. Like obtuse,acute,right angle and etc. Their are different shapes of them. Angles can have things in side of them.

  3. I know that there is right angle, acute angle, and obtuse angle and I know that the acute angle is the small one and the obtuse is the larger angle i think 180 degrees.

  4. There are different kinds of angles like Acute, Obtuse, Straight, and Right angles.

  5. I know the angle that looks like a L is a 90 degree angle. I think the straight angle is a 180? Their all different degrees.

  6. I know there are multiple angle. there is the 90 degrees and the 180 degrees. Thats all i can really think of the angles that i know

  7. 1. I know that angles can be fat, skinny,
    2. on almost every object there are angles
    3. there's 90,180,190, and 280 numbered angles

  8. I don't quite remember, its been a while since I used angles, but some of the things I do remember I'd the names of some angles like Ray AB or Line CT, but I also have some memory according to the Intellectual names, like Obtuse, Right, Acute. There is more but I don't quite remember them.

  9. I know there is 90 degree and 180 degree angle.
