Thursday, August 20, 2015

Essentials of Geometry

Geometry is a math class that integrates math processes (like solving equations) with shapes. Our first unit is on the Essentials of Geometry, this unit is all of the necessary information you need to have in order to be successful the rest of the school year.

What information do you already know about geometry? (DO NOT LOOK ANYTHING UP!)


  1. That geometry involves shapes, shapes like triangles, or circles, at least I think it does.

  2. I think it might have to do with shapes from there honestly I don't know anything else

  3. I dont really know a lot all i do know is that its much harder then other Algebra

  4. I think that the angles on the shape are the numbers that you use on your problems.

  5. I know that geometry has to do with calculating shapes and just shapes in general, you also do a lot of measuring.

  6. Geometry is like different kinds of shapes.

  7. what I know about Geometry is that you use shapes and have to know equations. Also that is it is harder math than algebra.

  8. I Know that most of our geometry learning year will be used with shapes and more angular problems, but then there are some Area Of Proportion And Ratios. I Know a little of this, but lets see how much i really know with this subject.

  9. Evolution is a change. What i mean by change is like a change of something or a form.
