Friday, February 19, 2016

Rectangles and Squares

Why is it important to know properties of squares and rectangles?  How does knowing these properties make some things easier in the real world?


  1. It'll help you find the area of how much tile or carpet you need for your home. For art it can help you decide which size canvas you need, or if you're making the canvas yourself, also helpful.

  2. it will help you find the area of how much tile or carpet you need for your home.

  3. It's important to know these properties because we see them everywhere that we go and almost certainly when we get a career job there will also be seeing them there to. It will allow you to build things a lot easier even help things you may have to do when figuring out your dimensions from a project in your future house, It will allow you to understand many other things in the world because you will indeed see all of these things Evan when you go out to eat or have to figure out a dimension for your car those are the things that will make it easier in life.
