Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Square and Rectangle

Write 1 difference and 1 similarity between a square and a rectangle.


  1. They both have four sides.
    But squares have all sides that are even, and rectangles have 2 sets of sides that are the same.

  2. Squares and rectangles have four sides. Squares sides are equal and rectangles sides have two sets that are alike. So tye sides are not equal.

  3. difference-one has 4 equal sides and the other has only 2

    Similarity-They both have 4 sides

  4. one different is that square has equal sides and rectangles dose not have equal sides .one similarity is that they both have 4 sides.

    1. rectangle have 2 sides that are equal

  5. a similarity is that they have four sides
    a difference is that all sides of a square is congruent and a rectangle has only two pairs of sides that are congruent

  6. 1.both squares and rectangles have to have 90 degree angles

    2. A square has all equal four sides and a rectangle only has to sides that are equal and not all four are the same for instance the height of one side being 2 is equal to the other and a height of another is 4 so that equal to only one other side.

  7. a square can be a rectangle but a rectangle cant be a square
    They both have for sides

  8. squares sides are equal to each other and rectangles are not.
    both square and rectangle have 4 corners that equal to 90 degrees
